As is so often the case in life, official things take longer than expected. We’re still waiting on insurance and a lease, so I can’t name an official location just yet. That being said, I can give more details about the Potluck.

As long as our location doesn’t fall through at the last minute, the plan right now is to meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:30p on the Main Street side of East Nashville. Fellowship will start at 5:30p and will be followed by work planning at 6:15p. At 6:30p we will begin evening prayer. After prayer we’ll dismiss so that those of us with kids can help get little ones in bed.

So, do start praying to discern if you’ve got Wednesday evenings free. For men, especially, I think this is an amazing opportunity to live out our faith. Using the skills we’ve acquired in maintaining our homes and families, we can help a brother in Christ find his value in God. This isn’t a Bible study or a circle for sharing feelings. As Paul, we’ll talk about God and life as we work shoulder to shoulder.

Please do pray and discern. If you’re called to mentor, complete our form so Fr. Michael can grab a coffee with you.