We are cancelling worship this evening.

    Fr. Michael is available should you need anything.

  • 🔊 Sabbath & Service

    In whatever situation you find yourself in, know that God loves you. He sees your situation and even when it seems like He doesn’t care and absolutely nothing is changing, He is at work. His will for you and for us is always good.

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  • Mass begins at 10:30a. Come and receive God’s grace in the Sacrament. If you’re ready, we can also talk about work and the plan God has for your life.

  • We’ll be going downtown on Saturday morning to share sandwiches with our homeless brothers and sisters. E-mail Fr. Michael if you’d like to join us.

  • 🔊 Maybe Just Believe

    We serve a God of power. We serve a God that can actually raise the dead; a God who can actually heal; a God that can actually repair the broken things within us and around us. A God who is bigger than we can imagine. And, it is this very God that invites us into His arms. This God comes to save.

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