It was, as always, a blessing to serve with Fr. Dan and the @standrews crew yesterday. We met several folk and made numerous invitations to work with us.
Lord, in thy mercy, give those we met the strength to make it to us!
Supplies purchased. Now it take time fill and pray over some bags! ❤️
Due to weather, we won’t be going out tomorrow morning.
However, we‘ll be with our brothers and sisters at St. Andrew’s packing care bags for future outreach Saturday‘s.
Join us tomorrow at 10a if you‘re interested. It‘s a great way for kids to serve!
Join us on April 3 at 6:30p for an evening of lectures and discussion.
Our topic this time will be, “What is sin?”
Further details are updates: here.
We met several men downtown yesterday doing outreach. Please pray that God grants them the courage to visit us for help.
We had someone reach out about our free breakfast offer and we were able to pay a young man for a bit of work yesterday.