When & Where?

We meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:30p in the fellowship hall of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church behind Richland Park in West Nashville. You can reach us via car or bike via Charlotte Ave or by the #50 bus leaving from downtown.

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When you arrive you can expect a lot of smiling faces and people from all walks of life. Some people are there to grab some groceries from the food pantry, some folk come looking for work, others are there to share a good laugh. We’re not a jobs ministry and we’re not a program. We’re just Christians trying to walk in the Way our Lord has shown us. We want to meet folk where they’re at and help people as we’re able.

Starting at 5:30p we hang out, talk about needs, and brainstorm work and other ways we can help each other. Around 6:00p we head into the sanctuary for worship and prayer. We leave around 6:30p with God’s blessing and plans for housing, work, career, and so much more. He equips us for the week ahead!


Who is this for? Everyone. Rich, poor, homeless, single, married, young, or old: everyone is in need and everyone has something to share. Whatever challenges you might be facing, when God puts His people together in a room, His Spirit does amazing things.

We come each week never exactly knowing what challenges we’ll face, what needs will appear, or even who will show up. But, time and time again, God knows. The right people are always there and He always provides a way forward in our struggles.

We’d love to have you join us on Wednesday evenings. If you’re feeling a little nervous or have questions, e-mail Fr. Michael at michael@christanchors.me. He’d love to meet you for coffee, answer your questions, and — if you need it — get you a bus pass.