Christ Our Anchor is an Anglican mission in Nashville, Tennessee, focused on restoring relationships with God and neighbor through worship and work.

Join us Wednesday evenings in East Nashville at 530 for a time of fellowship, followed by evening prayer at 630.

Everyone is welcome.

You can learn more about providing paid work for the glory of God’s kingdom by visiting us at

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our rock and our Redeemer.


So today’s readings, especially the one from the Gospel of Matthew, remind us that we are saved for a purpose.

We’re saved so that we can stop thinking so much about ourselves and instead start thinking about others.

We are saved not to stay where we’re at, but to go out, it says.

Now that isn’t to say that we need to stop thinking about work or family, because obviously we were created to work.

That’s the whole story of the garden.

We were created to live in families and communities like Christ Our Anchor.

We think about these things, work and family and money and all these other things, but we think about them differently because of what Jesus did on the cross.

A job isn’t just about money.

It’s about having a means to help those around us.

Our place we live, our food, all things are more than just possessions, stuff we have.

They are a potential offering to the God who gives us all things.

So we work so we have something to share, and we share because we know that He will provide all that we need.

So leave here today with this good news.

God saved you for a purpose.

Go out into the world knowing that He has all authority and power over heaven and earth.

Every meal we share, every conversation we join, every hammer we swing, all of these are an offering to God’s service.

In all we do, in all we say, in all places we go, He is with us always, even to the end of this age.
