If you have a task at home or work that you’ve been putting off or you think would be a great opportunity for someone to earn an honest wage, please enter it into our database below.

We’ll review the job at our weekly potluck and get back to you as soon as we’ve found the right person. By giving us generously paid work to do, you’re helping us transform our economy into submission to the one true King. You are critical in helping us restore dignity to one of God’s children!

To learn more about how we do work, please read this post: How We Work.

If you can’t think of a job right now, you can support our ministry with a donation that’ll allow us to do a job in the community for someone who can’t afford to pay.

Nota bene: We’re a church community, not a full time handyman service. Please be patient. We never know when our community will have the right skills, tools, and supplies for your job.

Complete the form here if it doesn’t load below.